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Proizvodni sektor

Proizvodni sektor
Farmacevtska industrija

Ne glede na to, ali ste farmacevtski proizvajalec, biotehnološko podjetje ali raziskovalna ustanova, vam lahko pomagamo pri izboljšanju proizvodnje, uvedbi najsodobnejših proizvodnih praks, zmanjšanju operativnih stroškov in zagotavljanju spoštovanja predpisov. Zavedamo se izzivov farmacevtske industrije in potrebo po odgovornih in trajnostnih praksah, od odkrivanja zdravil do distribucije.


Mikroelektronika predstavlja vrhunec tehnološke inovacije, ki poganja napredek v skoraj vseh vidikih našega življenja. Vključuje oblikovanje, razvoj in proizvodnjo miniaturnih elektronskih komponent in sistemov, vključno z integriranimi vezji, senzorji in mikroprocesorji. V mikroelektroniki sta natančnost, učinkovitost in inovacija ključnega pomena. Ponujamo storitve za optimizacijo celotnega proizvodnega procesa v mikroelektroniki, od izdelave polprevodnikov do pakiranja in testiranja.

Mehanske komponente

Ponujamo storitve za optimizacijo oblikovanja in proizvodnje komponent, od majhnih, zapletenih delov do strojev velikega obsega. Osredotočamo se na zagotavljanje, da vsaka komponenta izpolnjuje najstrožje industrijske standarde za kakovost, zanesljivost in varnost. Ne glede na to, ali se ukvarjate s proizvodnjo zobnikov, ležajev, ali drugih ključnih delov, vam lahko pomagamo izboljšati učinkovitost proizvodnje, zmanjšati stroške in izboljšati kakovost izdelka.

Plastic compounding ​​​​

Plastic compounding is a critical process in the plastics industry that involves blending different materials to create customized plastic formulations with specific characteristics. We are here to assist you in optimizing the entire compounding process, from material selection to blending techniques and quality assurance. We focus on ensuring that the compounded plastics meet the strictest industry standards for performance, quality, and safety. 

Automotive components ​​​​​

Whether you're in need of advanced materials, precision machining, or innovative solutions for electronic systems, we stand ready to elevate your automotive projects to new heights. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, we're poised to shape the future of automotive engineering.

Machineries and Equipment

At our company, we focus on creating customized solutions that improve performance and efficiency in various industrial applications. Our team of skilled professionals uses the latest technologies and industry knowledge to design, develop, and enhance machinery components, making sure they are reliable and functional. Whether you need custom machining or equipment optimization, we provide a wide range of services that are tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Tekstil, obutev in dodatki

The clothing, shoes, and accessories industry is a constantly changing and dynamic sector that intersects with art, culture, and commerce. It covers every aspect of fashion, from design and production to distribution and retail. We recognize the diverse challenges and opportunities in this thriving industry. Our dedication is to assist you in creating, manufacturing, and distributing clothing, shoes, and accessories that appeal to consumers and meet the requirements of a global market.

Spoznajte naše vodilne osebe
Business Line Director Industrial Global
Managing Director & Business Development Manager Latam
Al Kindi
CEO STI Engineering Oman e Business Development Manager Middle East
Abdulla Abdullah
CEO STI Engineering KSA e Business Development Manager Saudi Arabia
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